5 Design Tips For a Peaceful Holiday Home

by Susie Frazier (Published in Thrive Global)

It’s that time of year again, when sparkling displays and nostalgic jingles light up every corner, but for many Americans, me included, these celebrated customs can bring on a sense of uneasiness. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the feel-good vibes of the season. I love gift-giving to others, and you probably won’t find a more extroverted introvert on the planet than me. But the truth is, our society has been operating on an over-stimulated autopilot for years, allowing the cultural norms of the holidays to spin out of control.  Whether it’s hosting family gatherings, preparing for school functions, participating in gift exchanges, or mapping out shopping lists, the pressure to be high-performing this time of year can stir up unwanted levels of anxiety.

Luckily, living with an atypical, creative mind has taught me that most of life’s challenges can be overcome simply by crafting different choices for myself. After all, it’s the maker’s mantra to build something new out of something broken, even if it goes against the grain of the status quo. That’s why my new book, Designing For Wellness, encourages everyone to be active curators of their lives as a way to cultivate a new state of calm. The easiest place to start is in our personal spaces. So here it is – my top 5 practices, that anyone can implement, for creating a more serene and healthy holiday at home.

Embrace The Imperfections

Living by impossible ideals is a habit that keeps us from wellness. Spotless spaces and impeccable decorations make anyone feel like they can’t be themselves, which leads to unnecessary tension in our bodies and ultimately our relationships. If we truly care about creating a sense of ease and well-being, our settings need to tastefully feature the flaws rather than eliminate them. Try showcasing tables with distressed markings along with serving ware with less bling and more humility. The metaphorical message this design decision sends is authenticity is valued over opulence.  Read More 

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